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Domestic Tourism
Domestic Tourism

SOMAR TURISMO has one of its goals to make the Brazilian Midwest region known through the Bonito and Pantanal, the Northeastern region through its beaches and plateaus, and part of the Southeast region, especially the state of Rio de Janeiro, better known by Brazilians and by foreigners visiting the country. Differentiated itineraries may be developed, including the association of leisure attractions offered by rivers and beaches, as Morro de São Paulo, Bahia; the cultural attractions that bear witness to history and regional traditions as Salvador and Reconcavo Baiano; the religious attractions as the shrines of Nossa Senhora Aparecida and of Mãe de Deus, in São Paulo, of the Pai Eterno in Trindade, Goiás, also of Bom Jesus da Lapa, in Bahia;the combination of natural and cultural attractions as the city of Rio January, who in 2012 received the title of UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Landscape as Urban; and the natural attractions ideal for ecotourism, such as Bonito and Pantanal, Chapada Diamantina, National Park Serra da Capivara and Lençóis Maranhenses.










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